Saturday, 27 September 2014

Circles of attention

Circle of attention

Stanislavski was concerned with actors getting distracted by the audience while performing on stage. He sought ways to counteract this distraction. He however did not advocate that the actor forget the audience, or tries to believe it did not exist. That, he felt, would be contradictory to the art of theatre, because the audience was an important ‘co-creator’ of the performance.
Stanislavski’s main need was in finding a way to get the actor sufficiently interested in something (for example, an object) on stage so as to not find the presence of the audience a crippling factor. He felt that if his actors observed the object intensively enough, a desire would arise in them, to do something with it. This would, in turn intensify the observation and help develop an action with it.
Importantly, Stanislavski realized that actors lost control of their basic faculties on stage, and had to be re-taught how to achieve this in public. According to Sonia Moore, on stage an actor’s ‘natural psycho-physical union’ is broken, causing ‘paralysis of faculties’ 30). This is especially apparent in beginning actors. Stanislavski realized this early on in his experiments:
All of our acts, even the simplest, which are so familiar to us in everyday life, become strained when we appear behind the footlights before a public of a thousand people. This is why it is necessary to correct ourselves and learn again how to walk, move about, sit or lie down. It is essential to re-educate ourselves to look and see, on the stage, to listen and to hear.
Believing rightly or wrongly that concentration was the key to ‘re-educating’ the actor, Stanislavski created ‘Circles of Concentration’(of attention). These circles varied in size and had different -Microsoft word-Stanislavski textbook 

Circle of Attention Exercise

we were made to close our eyes and imagine we were at a bus-stop ear where we lived.I chose the only which  stand at while waiting for the bus to come.
We were told that we were chewing gum and we were holding our backpack over one shoulder.
I imagined chewing all sorts of different flavored gum and wearing my purple back pack.
Here My attention is solely focused inside of me.Concentrating on the flavor of the gum and chewing it.
My circle of attention is rather small.

We were next informed that there is a newspaper by our feet.
My reaction was to pick it up but to start brushing it along the floor with my foot as naturally i would be very bored waiting for my bus to come.
My circle of attention has slightly expanded.
Next we were told that you could see your bus coming but when it reaches its very packed and the back door of the bus opens but the front door doesn't and once some people get off it drives off not letting anyone on.
This would certainly annoy me.
When seeing the bus coming my Circle of attention would of expanded as i look out into the distance spotting the bus.
Where the train is in the picture above that's about how far i would look into the distance and recognise my bus.

We were then told that on the other side of the road a man and a woman are arguing in a car.We don't know what relation they have to each other and then she suddenly gets out the car and storms off.The man doesn't chase after her but after a couple of minutes drives off in a different direction.
Opposite my bus stop is another bus stop so above is a picture of another bus stop near where i live.
As you can see its rather packed so not only would this of caught my attention but it would of caught other peoples who were around the us stop.
I would spontaneously look at whats happening across the road but also do secretively so that involves making sure people at my bus stop aren't watching me watching them.
My Circle of attention would dramatically keep increasing and decreasing. 

Saturday, 20 September 2014

warm up and auditions

warm up activity

The first main objective was to not stop walking around the room.
this was a simple task.

The Next objective was find a point in the room and walk towards it and then find another and it carries on like that.
This also was quite straight forward.

The next objective was in your mind find someone of the room who you are going to be aware of;they are person A.
This involved constantly looking to see if  person was close by.
Even though this made me very cautious the task was relatively easy as my person A never was really close.

The next objective was to pick a person B and also be aware of them.
This is where the task became more complicated as i had to be very observant of persn A and B.
The task became difficult as they were moving in different directions.

The next  objective was to try form an equilateral triangle with A and B.
This was difficult as my A and B were also trying to form an equilateral triangle with their A and B.
When ding this part of the exercise i also realised tempo-rhythm of the class had slowed down as everyone was concentrating.We were all moving in a circular movement.
For most of this task i was able to form a perfect triangle tll the very end and my person B moved as just as we were told to freeze.

3D image of people around triangle.

The next objective was to stay well aware of person A and use person B as a shield.
I had to constantly keep my person B between me and person A. This was hard as My Person B was constantly moving at a fast pace however luckily my person A wasn't moving as much.During this exercise there did form little bunches of people behind one another which showed alot of people were interlinked or had the same shield.
overall throughout this our objective kept on changing.

Working together

this next task involved alt of team work as we had to walk around the room them then gradually stop at the same time.
The first few times were a disaster as one person would stop then others would follow it just looked messy.
It looked as someone was leading and the others would follow but this activity was about working together to stop at the same time.This was a long process as my teacher said this could take up to 20 mins.Luckily it didn't take that long.
To make this work we had to get in time with each others footsteps and this made the atmosphere very tense as we all had the same aim.
As a class we would start off walking really fast then gradually we slowed down and during when we slowed down i gathered that we became tighter as a class and we all bunched up so we could work together.This involved eye contact and also watching each others feet.In the end we successfully all stopped at the same time.

The next step was to be able to stop,lay down at the same time and get up at the same time.
We were all able to stop at the same time and just about lie down at the same time but none of us were sure when to get up.This was hard as it was hard to see others around you so people including myself were constantly popping up our heads unsure of when to move.We were advised t listening to each others breathing and work out how to get up at the same time by breathing, in time.We all suddenly as a class tried this using heavy breathing but it slowly died out.It sadly ended up somebody leading and Me and others following so we didn't get up all at the same time but it was a definitely a fun activity.


Saturday, 13 September 2014

Interesting facts about Stanislavski

Interesting Facts about Stanislavski

.He co-founded the Moscow Art Theatre in 1897 and developed a performance .process known as method acting
His maternal grandmother was a French actress and his father constructed a stage on the family's estate.
.In 1885, he gave himself the stage name of Stanislavski—the name of a fellow actor he'd met
.In 1912, Stanislavski created First Studio, which served as a training ground for young thespians.
.During a performance to commemorate the Moscow Art Theatre's 30th anniversary, Stanislavski suffered a heart attack. 
.Stanislavski spent his later years focusing on his writing, directing and teaching. He died on August 7, 1938, in the city of his birth.

workshops-Day 2



'Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability to form new images and sensations in the mind that are not perceived through senses such as sight, hearing, or other senses'-Wikipedia

The lesson involved one person giving a description of an object or thing they didn't like without saying what the object or thing is.
During this process of closing our eyes Jacob gave a description of a slug he starting be describing it as slimy;i instantly thought of a slug or snail then he continued to say they eat your vegetables and they are brown and i concluded that it was a slug.
This activity proves that without the name of the object or thing and just a description;the imagination is powerful enough to gather together a picture of a slug 
The imagination works in mysterious ways among each person creating a different image within each persons mind of the same topic.By giving accurate descriptions it meant our imagination is limited to only create a certain image which wouldn't become mislead or exaggerated


This exercise involves using your imagination and giving a physical response to your imagination.
I title this exercise as 'The frozen Exercise' as it involved us closing our eyes and the teacher describing how we were slowly frozen up the body then the sun came out and the ice slowly started to melt and we had to react to it.
slowly acting as if my body was freezing brought a lot of tension and it also ached and made me feel slightly fatigue as i was putting all my energy into this exercise and imagining how cold and stiff i was getting while i froze.I felt more relaxed when i was tensing all my body.
Below is a song i listen to so i can relax
Relaxation-the state of beng free from tension ad anxiety.
Yoga is a great example of relaxing the mind,soul and body
Part of the 'Frozen Exercise' was imagining the sun coming out and melting the ice off you. Reacting to this brought relaxation to the body. I instantly felt more comfortable and during this i gathered this sort of relief because I wasn't tensing or straining anymore.

Magic if/what if

The 'what if' exercise involved imagining yourself in different situations which were said by your teacher while walking around the room as if on route to school.While mapping out my way to school we also had to act realistically and naturally to what was said.Because some people were observing i did have the urge to make it rather amusing than naturalistic however i realised by doing that t would not benefit myself and i will not progress as an actress.
one 'Magic if' was 'what if you left the iron on' I didn't over think this and decided to act on it straight away by stopping journey to school and searching for my phone and calling my mum to see if she was at home to turn if off.
On the other hand i think if i was actually in this situation i would of been contemplating if maybe by any chance i did turn it off and i would be having a little battle with my conscious before i called home but i'm not quite sure i would of acted that out without speaking.

Given Circumstaces

The given circumstances are the character details in the script-the facts the playwright gives the actor.They are unchangeable.Factors of give circumstances are Geographical,Social and Historical elements,date,time or year
Stanislavski describes given circumstances as "The plot, the facts, the incidents, the period, the time and place of the action, the way of life. [...] The Given Circumstances, just like "if", are suppositions, "products of the imagination."
The given Circumstances of the Cherry Orchard would be it's set in Russia during the 18th century and just after the emancipation of the serfs.This is a brief overview of the given circumstances.
This lend onto creating as a class our own given circumstances as a class.
Three chairs were placed in the centre of the room and the question was what place could these chairs be?
Suggestions were a doctors surgery,a bus ,a bus stop,a train and even a bush but all ideas ceased as the teacher gave final say and said it was a doctors waiting area.Which naturally it could easily be imaged as one.
The next step was to make the given circumstances which were it was Tuesday the 8th of September in Autumn during the afternoon as that's when most people are free as they have finished school,uni or work.
Now to make the scene come alive 3 actors were picked:Ella.Will and Georgia.
As we were learning about Stanislavski it was vital that they would portray what would realistically happen in a doctors and we observed behind the fourth wall.
Ella who sat on the furthest seat on the right looked as if she could portray someone between the ages of 16-19 with her type of physicality and the way she was dressed however if she was wearing lighter colours or maybe a simple dress she could pass for the age of 14.I definitely think she conveyed a believable natural character with each moment like when she was playing with her hair;it wasn't over exaggerated with eccentrically making curls with her hair around her finger.She didn't look the audience as to break the fourth wall until the very end when she looked at the teacher as to say 'are we done now'.While acting on stage Ella didn't make overly enthusiastic facial expressions as naturally while waiting by yourself to be called in to to see the doctors you would be quite bored and you would have a neutral look on your face.
After a quick discussion of Ella's Performance Will and Georgia was added to the scene.(It's key to remember the characters don't know each other.)
Ella sat in the same seat on the far right.When Will entered he sat in the seat next to Ella.Ella reacted by slightly shuffling over in her as to suggest personal space and why didn't he sit on the seat on left rather then right next to her.Ella also had her legs crossed facing away from Will which shows closure and it was almost as if she had her back to him.Personally i thought it was strange he sat next to her as usually people wouldn't sit next to each other unless that was one of the only seats left nevertheless the act still looked believable as he sat sloughed down in his chair twiddling his thumbs.Will looked like he could portray someone between the ages of 14-17 as he was quite tall but his face looked very young so he could pass for the age of 14.Will also had a neutral face like Ella.
When Georgia entered the scene there felt like a change of atmosphere and it became tenser. She also held a much closed way be crossing her legs away from Will in the opposite direction. The tension was broken by Will tying his shoe lace. By doing this the atmosphere of tension began to soften ad become more relaxed.
Below is a link of the opposite of the fourth wall and breaking it which means they interact with the audience


Tempo is defined as the speed or the pace of something.Rhythm is defined as the regular,repeated pattern of movement or sound.In other words,rhythm is the relationships between the parts,which make them equally spaced and regular or unequally spaced and syncopated.So tempo-rhythm is the speed and beat of a person,Place,or
We skimmed over Tempo-rththm but because i didn't completely understand i decided to do some of my own research on .I definitely recommend this website as it breaks down and gives you a clear understanding of Tempo-rhythm

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The Foundations-Tuesday 2nd September 2014

The Cherry Orchard-Foundations

The practical lesson involved Exploring aspects of Melodrama and how is contrasts with naturalistic Drama which is used in the Cherry Orchard.
a sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events intended to appeal to the emotions'.
Doing melodrama gave me an insight into the very over dramatized world of acting where nothing is left to the imagination of the audience but rather given to them on a plate.
Archetypal characters were used which meant most plays had a similar context and the characters were moulded for the actors and the plots were very unrealistic which made it not believable.
Melodrama would definitely disagree with Stanislavsky however despite this i have gained knowledge of other techniques of acting and i also now have boundaries of where drama turns from unrealistic to Melodrama

Naturalistic Drama
'drama which replicates real life and shows the realistic version of it.'
This relates to what we studied as Stanislavsky developed naturalistic acting which is the technique used in The Cherry Orchard, as he wanted his actors to become emotionally and psychologically involved with their roles, in order to create a convincing, realistic performance. When preparing for some naturalistic dramas, actors often spend lengthy periods of time trying to 'live' the role they are playing, in order to create a convincing performance on stage.
In class using the idea of the fourth wall and naturalistic acting we developed our own small pieces of theatre in groups. To really understand Stanislavsky’s system we decided upon doing instinctive acting.
Our idea involved us acting on stage as if we were trying to think of a naturalist idea to perform to the rest of the class. For this to work we decided not to rehearse it but to just go up on stage and naturally act how we were acting before we went on stage. This would make it convincing and trying to plan what we were exactly going to do on stage would have ruined the affect of the whole piece.
The downfall was it would be hard to come to a conclusive ended of our piece as we didn't practice that but just hoped it would come to a natural end.
A version of The Cherry Orchard